
    Ending the isolation of rural farming and boosting traceability.

    Many of the estimated five million smallholder farmers from whom we buy both directly and via intermediaries, live and work in isolation from online connectivity and digital tools. So they can’t benefit from those innovations and we can’t support them effectively or report accurately on their progress.

    推荐买球平台农民信息系统(OFIS), 是一款允许推荐几个足彩外围app现场工作人员收集数据的应用程序吗, 绘制农场和社会基础设施的GPS点, manage training activities and track all ‘first mile’ transactions, 包括融资, 投入分配和作物采购. This information is accessible through a desktop portal and allows us to create detailed models, to advise farmers and other participants in the supply chain on how to maximise their efforts. It also helps us to identify where there are risks and opportunities, and where we should focus resources such as training or investment in infrastructure.

    It allows us to report more accurately on sustainability activities, 社会公正和其他积极的商业指标. 它是AtSource的一个关键输入工具, 推荐买球平台's sustainability insights platform for agricultural supply chains. 到目前为止, over 550k farmers in over 30 countries have been registered in the system, 推荐几个足彩外围app继续推出信息系统.

    “OFIS is game-changing for three main reasons: the ability to embrace more farmers in the financial system; the level of transparency in the supply chain that we can offer customers into their sustainability programmes; and, 最后, the impact that OFIS can have on 推荐买球平台’s own sustainability initiatives. We can now harness the power of the data we collect in an entirely new way. Before, we could see crop yields were changing but we didn’t know exactly why. OFIS帮助推荐几个足彩外围app了解全局.”




    Child labour monitoring and remediation is set to be rolled out across 喀麦隆 in the first programme of its kind by a cocoa company.



    We recognise the importance of collaboration to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and make true impact across our sector. If you are keen to collaborate or have an idea to discuss, please contact our team.
